safe passage

Save refugees

hashtag safe passage logoHello 🙄
I have written before about this, oh that was so long ago
, in 2006. Since then I kept as quiet as I could about the fact, I tried to amuse impressions, I clowned, I ignored questions. I can’t do that any more! The word has been said, the evidence is present and the report has been written: [read more…]

Additional reading and pictures on facebook about a very GOOD event held in Ikaria!

One Comment on “safe passage”

  1. Ο/Η Eleni λέει:
    I am all with them. For what ever I call home, I would like to take everybody of them in. No more drowinings!

    Aysh  - June 06, 2014 Lesbos_2015-5389 Ship carrying Syrian refugees from Greek islands arrives in Athens Ship carrying Syrian refugees from Greek islands arrives in Athens Refugees arrive at Piraeus port

    😳 🙄

    Μου αρέσει!


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