Magical things are patient


“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”~

Omnia magica Ikaria


Dear readers,
you are certainly familiar with the aforementioned quote. It’s usually credited to W.B.Yeats, however, that’s not true. The famous sentence was written by someone who was amazed when he saw for the first time through a magnifying lens the astonishing details of a beautiful wild flower! Therefore, let my blog article be for you today that magnifying lens. Through it you will be able to see some tiny beautiful details and short elusive flashes in the monotonous everyday life of our island. I’m talking about the small, rare and hidden picture instead of the big one -the one which tourism lately has turned into cliché. Let’s save ourselves from that by putting out some powerful subjective worldviews! As my friend Nana whose article I am copying here, says, this is about a…

Afternoon in the desert of ravens 😳 by Nana Agrimi on Flickr


«A parallel reality: a collection of special moments recorded through the years and stored in our blogs and Flickr streams, from surreal alienation to oddity, from encounters with animals to performances and improvised rituals, from riddles and witchcraft to extravagance, provocation or simple pleasurable moments and postcard-like snapshots, that’s my way to celebrate Dodecaemeron, the Greek 12 festal days of Christmas and New Year, when earth and skies merge, as they say, and daily toilers like us should stop and rest and say to themselves…»

[read more…]In Nana to agrimi's blog: 'omnia magica'


~~p.s. A friend asked why these pictures aren’t uploaded to Flickr. One answer is that many of them would create unwanted activity. The main reason, however, is aesthetic. As I’m saying in a comment under my snapshot of Nana’s post on Flickr, first and foremost this thing should be seen a whole.


⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Cross blogging 1: Nana’s WP media

We ♥ Nana to agrimi's blog
.Katsika, from 'Four Seasons in Ikaria'

Happy Summer, my friends!

Google Image Search for 'egotoagrimi+files+wordpress'
It’s not the right time of the year to post long accounts. In the summer people usually browse magazines and look at pictures. So this article is about pictures, pictures of a special kind, older or newer attachements to my friend Nana’s blog posts, that may have passed unnoticed. The same as her blog as a whole, these pictures are not touristic neither do they aim to giving information about the island. All I may say about them is that they are thrilling and they have provided inspiration to a lot of viewers, and if I may say, a bit of motivation as well, and that not only concerning Ikaria but for all similar places of the world gifted with an exciting outdoors and a culture of freedom. Before I write a full blog review, I’ll stop and just say: it’s not pictures from my beloved Flickr that I look at when I am homesick for Ikaria. I look at these pictures. And when I have time, I click on the links and I also read the articles some of which go back to several years ago.
I encourage you to take the ride. It’s a wild ride, as wild and natural as our island. Sometimes the concept does not make sense, sometimes it does, sometimes there’s humor or doubt, puzzlement, even bewilderment. There is art and fun and yes, in some of them a visitor can find some tourist information too.
But this is not the point. The point is a strong, desicive and creative girl living and rambling in Ikaria and what she thinks about it all. Take a look yourselves and say if I am wrong.

Sending love to NanaSomeone just asked. Yes, of course there will be a second part and maybe more to come. Nana to agrimi’s media library from Ikaria is big!.

Sending love to my readers



dance-ikaria, from 'Η Ικαριώτικη Σούστα στον καιρό της Παγκοσμιοποίησης.' Konica Minolta Digital Camera 2, from 'Ο Αύγουστος του Αγριμιού'

Faragi mou, from 'OFF THE RECORD #1' blythe-spurge-s, from 'My Blythe Doll is in Ikaria' hornet-1s, from 'THREATS XVII (common)'

October Ikaria, from 'Some Ikaria sounds' xaplara, from 'Time for blackberries' gantia kouzinas, from 'Σαλεμένο Πατατάτο Σώζει Δάση'

The lake we built in Ikaria, from 'Φτιάχνοντας μια Λίμνη στο Φαράγγι (1)' Keep Ikaria free and clean, from 'Η ελεύθερη κατασκήνωση είναι βιώσιμος τουρισμός και πλούτος για όλους' Secret beach, from 'Giving it all : Wild coves & beaches in southern Ikaria'

proespera-1, from 'Spiral Dance Super Version' Agrimi Sum, from 'Agrimi Sum' Old house countryside Ikaria, from 'Rediscover The Countryside'

These Mountains Are For Dancing, from 'Simply ♡ Ikarian' wildcamp3, from 'Mountain Camping Easter' We love Nas, from 'Simply Belgian'

Snake, from 'THREATS Χ – ΑΠΕΙΛΕΣ Χ' OPS Ikarias cleaning Myrsonas trail, from 'Said to be made by God' Ikaria 186, from 'Why can’t we do it in Ikaria?'

Pireus by Vangelis Rinas, from 'Μην κλαίτε! Δεν είναι ξερόβραχος!' Esor Rairb, from 'Not Briar Rose but Esor RairB' misikolaki Ikaria, from 'Το Μισοκωλάκι και άλλες τρομακτικές ιστορίες από την Ικαρία σε κόμικς'

Volunteers trails Ikaria, from 'Εθελοντική εργασία στην Ικαρία' Simply Mother, from 'Simply Mother' OPS Ikarias Google maps, from 'Hiking routes by OPS Ikarias in Google maps'

free in the mountains, from 'I am away for a little while' Savage Nan Ikaria 4, from 'Holes and Thorns' Pot Ikaria, from 'Έλλειψη Συγκέντρωσης'

Birgit&Angelos, from 'Τα σέβη μου σ’εκείνους που επιμένουν' img_5816, from 'ΚΥΚΛΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΩΝ 1'

free on the other side, from 'Break on through to the other side ☀ yeah !' tourist instructions ikaria august, from 'Ικαρία τον Αύγουστο – Οδηγίες Χρήσης'

frikia sta agka8ia Ikaria, from 'Διάλειμμα για Τζούρες Θυμάρι' love at the pool ikaria, from 'You have the right to remain silent' Ang & Nan, from 'Επιστροφή στον Λαγουδότοπο'


et cetera
et cetera


♥ ♥ ♥





What I believe



Peaceful naked moments in Nas Ikaria

Photo taken in Ikaria
featuring on Instagram.
Poet J.G. Ballard on the Wikipedia Poetry by J.G. Ballard


What I believe

I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world, to release the truth within us, to hold back the night, to transcend death, to charm motorways, to ingratiate ourselves with birds, to enlist the confidences of madmen.

I believe in my own obsessions, in the beauty of the car crash, in the peace of the submerged forest, in the excitements of the deserted holiday beach, in the elegance of automobile graveyards, in the mystery of multi-storey car parks, in the poetry of abandoned hotels.

. . .

I believe in the death of tomorrow, in the exhaustion of time, in our search for a new time within the smiles . . .

. . .

I believe in madness, in the truth of the inexplicable, in the common sense of stones, in the lunacy of flowers, in the disease stored up for the human race by the Apollo astronauts.

I believe in nothing.

I believe in Max Ernst, Delvaux, Dali, Titian, Goya, Leonardo, Vermeer, Chirico, Magritte, Redon, Duerer, Tanguy, the Facteur Cheval, the Watts Towers, Boecklin, Francis Bacon, and all the invisible artists within the psychiatric institutions of the planet.

I believe in the impossibility of existence, in the humour of mountains, in the absurdity of electromagnetism, in the farce of geometry, in the cruelty of arithmetic, in the murderous intent of logic.

I believe in adolescent women, in their corruption by their own leg stances, in the purity of their dishevelled bodies, in the traces of their pudenda left in the bathrooms of shabby motels.

I believe in flight, in the beauty of the wing, and in the beauty of everything that has ever flown, in the stone thrown by a small child that carries with it the wisdom of statesmen and midwives.

I believe in the gentleness of the surgeon’s knife, in the limitless geometry of the cinema screen, in the hidden universe within supermarkets, in the loneliness of the sun, in the garrulousness of planets, in the repetitiveness or ourselves, in the inexistence of the universe and the boredom of the atom.

. . .

I believe in the non-existence of the past, in the death of the future, and the infinite possibilities of the present.

I believe in the derangement of the senses: in Rimbaud, William Burroughs, Huysmans, Genet, Celine, Swift, Defoe, Carroll, Coleridge, Kafka.

. . .

I believe in the next five minutes.

I believe in the history of my feet.

I believe in migraines, the boredom of afternoons, the fear of calendars, the treachery of clocks.

I believe in anxiety, psychosis and despair.

I believe in the perversions, in the infatuations with trees, princesses, prime ministers, derelict filling stations (more beautiful than the Taj Mahal), clouds and birds.

I believe in the death of the emotions and the triumph of the imagination.

. . .

I believe in anxiety, psychosis and despair.

I believe in the perversions, in the infatuations with trees, princesses, prime ministers, derelict filling stations (more beautiful than the Taj Mahal), clouds and birds.

I believe in the death of the emotions and the triumph of the imagination.

I believe all reasons.

I believe all hallucinations.

I believe all anger.

I believe all mythologies, memories, lies, fantasies, evasions.

I believe in the mystery and melancholy of a hand, in the kindness of trees, in the wisdom of light.

J.G. B.

The full poem without my arbitrary omissions can be found at




The Almonds of Longevity

Ikaria 112 by Eleni Ikanou on Flickr
Ikaria 112 
by isl_gr (Mnesterophonia)

in case you don’t know me, I am Nana (to agrimi),co-author in Eleni’s blog

About Nana

who though I have a blog of my own, chose to write and post this entry here. The reason is that lately the views of our blogs took off very suddenly! This blog in particular has received several hundred views over the last days!

What was the matter?

The last time we were that popular was in Minoan times when we recorded the fall of Icarus at the shores of the island.


Centuries after that we made a good score when we covered the declaration of independence of Ikaria as a communist state, making us another pocket of resistance to capitalism between Cuba and North Korea.


Asking around we found out that the reason of our sudden recent popularity was the issuing of this seven page article by Dan Buettner in the prestigious NY Times:

The Island Where People Forget to Die

Therefore it seems that the dream of flight and freedom and the dream of a communist egalitarian society both fade against the biggest dream of all:


which perhaps (if aging wasn’t involved) the next best thing to
Immortality 😇

A set from Ikaria by karstalipp on Flickr


But why does our island generate so many dreams?

I will tell you my opinion. I am an accountant and therefore, unfortunately sometimes I am on the practical side of things. The reason is nostalgia. The rough mysterious landscape (to the extent that outsiders are familiar with it) and our way of life (to the extent that outsiders are familiar with it) generates a nostalgia, a homesickness for old values, old raw ways, direct approaches to life, supposedly carefree and happy, forever lost in urbanization and globalization.

That was all I had to say.

We actually spend our evenings cracking almond shells. We have picked them from Eleni’s famous tree in the intro picture above. We sprayed the nuts with salt water, we roasted them and after they cooled off we stored them in glass jars. On these jars we have written:

Almonds of Longevity

The Almonds of Longevity

It’s funny. They taste slightly different – we think they are better than last year’s.

Do dreams have an effect on reality? Who knows? Come and see for yourselves.

Kisses from Ikaria


Nana to agrimi's blog



Δεν αγοράζω, ούτε τρώω κτλ. Πληρώνω συνδρομή.

In Eleni's blog: Δεν αγοραζω ουτε τρωω αυτο που σκοτωνει το νησι μουH προηγούμενη καταχώρηση αν και αφορούσε μια στάση απολύτως προσωπική, γνώρισε ανέλπιστη διάδοση τόσο από άλλα μπλογκς, όσο και μήντια. Αφού εγώ (to agrimi) πρώτη πυροδότησα το θέμα με μια γερή φυτιλιά, σε μένα τελευταία πέφτει να εκλογικεύσω, να γενικεύσω και να συνοψίσω.

Δεν είναι Δεν αγοράζω, δεν τρώω αυτό που σκοτώνει το νησί μου έτσι σκέτο. Είναι Δεν αγοράζω, δεν τρώω αυτό που σκοτώνει το νησί μου. Όμως βοηθάω το σύλλογο που οργανώνει το πανηγύρι πληρώνοντας το αντίτιμο του κρέατος που δεν πήρα, ως «εισφορά» .

Έχουμε ήδη μια πρώτη τέτοια παραδειγματική προσέγγιση.

Έτσι θα είναι για μένα λοιπόν στο εξής θα βλέπω το πανηγύρια σαν “συνδρομητικά” events.ωχ αμάν!

Γειάάαααα σας τώρα. Έχει σηκώσει μελτέμι.

Δουλειά όλη μέρα, φεύγω, πάω για…

Μεσαχτή, Ικαρία

Wild Shots



A lot of word is made in this blog about my friend, Nana, and her doings with me or with own her friends in Ikaria. I feel that though I have said much, I have shown relatively few pictures. So there you are, take these randomly chosen snapshots. Some are totally random and some from a wild ride in the south west of the island last week. 😀

The photos open to the relative entries of her own blog. Drop by and say something.

on stacking stones

on stacking stones

kitten boots

kitten boots


dream catcher

daydream stream

daydream tiny stream

Sea cave in smooth white rock 3

sea cave

Climbing on smooth white rock 2

climb smooth white rock

Climbing down on smooth white rock 1

walk smooth white rock

Hiking trail cairn in Kourelos, Ikaria

cairn in kourelos

Ikaria, Southern Wild coast

Wild coast

Elias Kampos

Elias Kampos

Elina in Kalou Ikaria

Somewhere in nowhere, Ikaria

Kalou, little wild beach in Ikaria

Kalou little beach

The usual disproportionate road works

The usual disproportionate road works

permaculture garden and basket

permaculture garden and basket

Master Bedroom!

Master Bedroom!


Nana in Dungarees inside Thistles and Thorns



Did you think that because I’m working full-time now, this blog would be left to dry out of new entries?
Did you think that the cute, nevertheless too abstract motto «Keep Free and Clean» would be our last?
Did you think that we were going to waste time and space on jokes or general principles?
Did you think we were just being rhetoric?
Did you? chk, chk, chk, chk…
You were wrong !
Nana is in hold of the reins now. And Nana is not for *legends* and metaphors and *female litterature* with many dots (…) at the ends of the sentences.
Nana is all for direct approaches. (*) Read her blog about


The language is Greek, I am afraid. But even if she wrote in Chinese, we should be glad that she gave the show away.

All this time I was under oath not speak openly about it. There were only a few cues in some of my photos of spurges in Flickr. *Where my Bunny used to hide* ; that was the code name. How could someone have guessed?

But now that she let out *the vice*, I will do my best to render some of the best parts translated in English. I’m not sure yet how; maybe as comments in her blog or as entries in mine.And I could also speak of my impressions as viewer for the small part I have seen; that is, a brown head on a proud neck moving in a sea of tall thorny shrubs. Did I say»moving»? Oh no… That was the slowest motion I have seen in my life. How else could it be? We are talking about some big thick threatening (genuine Grreeek) thorns here. But whenNana -my fakir- comes out of this rough spinose sea, she is scratchless!.. (**)

So see you in her blog.



(*) that’s why I love her so much -she is so liberating…
(**) so it’s not a vice after all, isn’t it?



(5 total)

love the pictures !
«the rest of the thorn trekker» – Η Ανάπαυση της Αγκαθοβάτισας» :))

Friday March 2, 2007 – 11:53pm (EET)

love the picture too…:)

Sunday March 4, 2007 – 01:19pm (EET)

Ξέρω… Ξέρω… Αλλά γιατί ρε γαμώτο, ποτέ δεν θα υπάρξουν φωτογραφίες; Αν το παίξω «Άπιστος Θωμάς», θα μου δείξετε;

Monday March 5, 2007 – 11:13pm (EET)

Ωραία λοιπόν. Ακολούθησε με την άλλη φορά αν τολμας μέσα στα αγκάθια και θα σου κάτσω να τραβήξεις όσες φωτογραφίες θέλεις.

Tuesday March 6, 2007 – 11:15pm (EET)

Αποκλείεται να βρεθώ κάπου περικυκλωμένος από αγκάθια και παρέα με ένα θηλυκό «αγρίμι»

Thursday March 8, 2007 – 10:44pm (EET)